Amazing kids’ street-style fashion

June 21, 2012
We know about The Sartorialist and Streetpeeper as cool street-fashion blogs (among hundreds of others), but now kids are the subject of fashion blogs. Check out Hide and Go (Style), a children’s fashion blog which launched earlier this year along with similar sites The {Tiny} Times, Children With Swag and Planet Awesome Kid. It’s junior fashion on steroids, and requires beeeg budgets.
Chic children: The street-style websites emulate the aesthetic of Bill Cunningham and The Sartorialist, but the focus is turned to the well-dressed, inspired and inspiring kids that give both Suri Cruise and Shiloh Jolie-Pitt a run for their moneyChic
Efforlessly chic: What we focus on at Planet Awesome Kid is kids being kids. Kooky, crazy, impulsive and free
Trendy toddlers: High-fashion tots are taking over the street-style sphere with a series of new blogs dedicated to fashion-savvy totsT
Cute and cool: Planet Awesome Kid sees hundreds of parents sending in images of their well-dressed children
Sartorial success: Whether they are wearing a miniature pocket square or a pint-size blouse, these children wear their tiny trends with confidence and poise
Individual style: Erica Tashiro said that a surprising amount of children she photographs for Hide and Go (Style) do put their own outfits together
Street-style: Today's stylish culture appears to have had an effect on how these chic city toddlers put themselves together, as they continue to take social cues from their parents and the adults around them
Trend-setter: Children's fashion has come a long way since sweat suits and oversize, badly printed outerwear, and many parent's relish in dressing their children in tiny trends
Children with Swagger: Even if the toddlers parents coordinate their looks, they get full credit for wearing the outfit with confidence on the fashion blogs Super



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