Just when you thought you knew Barbie, she gets a makeover at recent London Fashion Week

February 24, 2014

You might associate Barbie with ballgowns and bathing suits, but she was recently given a hip makeover for London Fashion Week.

Designer Sadie Williams has created five doll-sized gowns, in shiny hand-collaged prints and relaxed A-line fits.

“I wanted to create a Barbie gang of ultra princessy tomboys,” the designer said. “I’ve always been a bit of a tomboy, and at the same time I love dressing up.  I wanted my Barbies to encapsulate these playful elements by creating special shimmering gowns, each a one-off featuring my hand worked textiles.”

The five limited edition dolls will be available in the Barbie department in Selfridges London’s Toy Shop, for £120 each (about R2 200).

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