Let’s get the 2020 party started…

January 13, 2020

Today I’m kicking off with a more personal blog post (though if you want to find more personal posts, you can do so on my other blog, Dear Max and Rebecca).

As always, I’m excited for another year of blogging, and to be honest, it never feels like “work”. I know other bloggers speak about the hours and sweat put in, but it’s not really like that for me. It’s a creative space that doesn’t really follow “rules”. It’s a platform I’m happy to turn to every week, and there are payoffs (it’s not all work and hours and thankless blogging), like trying lovely things, learning new content, getting out a bit, and paying some of the bills.

Most of my time with the blog happens at night and on weekends, once my work for my clients has been done, often accompanied by TV in the background (I can “watch” a whole episode of something while working on my laptop, and still not know what happened in it).

This year I want to do more humorous or creative posts like this one, and try to improve my photography and editing. There are no new year resolutions from my side, or “words of the year”, though I am feeling inspired to cook and bake more. My husband bought me Yotam Otolenghi’s Jerusalem, and it’s the first book I’ll be using this year (it has loads of vegetarian recipes for me too).

Thank you for reading and supporting this blog. Have a wonderful, safe and fruitful year!

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