What do you think of this pro-breastfeeding campaign that’s causing a big stir?

May 9, 2014

Wow – how’s this for a campaign that aims to protect a mother’s right to breastfeed her baby in public. It’s called When Nurture Calls, and its aim is to pass a bill in Texas that will protect breastfeeding mothers from harassment and discrimination when they choose to breastfeed their child in public. 



The ad campaign was done by students Johnathan Wenske and Kris Haro of the University of North Texas, for an assignment that asked students to design a campaign for a social issue or product, as if it were being created for actual paying clients.

As with anything surrounding breastfeeding, this campaign has received support and lots of sharing on social networks, while others were critical, and deeply offended.

Public breastfeeding laws do exist in most US states, but with the exception of a handful. In Australia, breastfeeding is a right under Australian federal law. Babies can be breastfed in any place at any time. It is also illegal, under the Federal Sex Discrimination Act, to discriminate against a breastfeeding mother.

I wish everywhere was as progressive.

What do you think of these ads?

Via Practical Parenting

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